


1、目的论者(The Teleologist):

We aren’t meant for each other.

2、道义论者(The Deontologist):

We aren’t right for each other.

3、后果主义者(The Consequentialist):

We aren’t optimal for each other.

4、唯我论者(The Solipsist):

It’s not you, it’s me.

5、经验主义者(The Empiricist):

I think we should see other people.

6、理性主义者(The Rationalist):

I’m not a priority to you anymore.

7、理性主义者(The Rationalist):

I’ve been doing some thinking…

8、理性主义者(The Rationalist):

If you can’t see your faults, there’s nothing more I can say.

9、欧陆主义者(The Continentalist):

You’ve lost that love and feeling.

10、平等主义者(The Egalitarian):

This is the best thing for both of us.

11、家长权威主义者(The Paternalist):

In time you’ll come to see that this is the best thing.

12、休谟主义者(The Humean):

Just because we’re always together doesn’t mean we BELONG together.

13、休谟主义者(The Humean):

Relationships need to be about more than just constant conjoining.

14、功能主义者(The Functionalist):

I don’t care about accommodating your feelings.

15、蒯因主义者(The Quinean):

I’m sorry, but you don’t mean anything to me anymore.

16、基础主义者(The Foundationalist):

We have nothing left to build upon.

17、基础主义者(The Foundationalist):

I need to be able to branch out more.

18、相对主义者(The Relativist):

It’s no one’s fault.

19、无神论者(The Atheist):

These things just happen.

20、康德主义者(The Kantian):

You lied to me!

21、反构造论者(The anti-Fictionalist):

I’m sick of faking it.

22、笛卡尔主义者(The Cartesian):

I don’t clearly and distinctly perceive a future together.

23、黑格尔主义者(The Hegelian):

Do we have to go through this again?

24、洛克主义者(The Lockean):

Our primary qualities simply aren’t compatible.

25、洛克主义者(The Lockean):

Compared to my last partner, I’m not getting nearly enough, nor as good.

26、准实在论者(The Quasi-Realist):

Of course we’re going to be together forever.

27、动机外在论者(The Motivational Externalist):

Even though I believed it at the time, I know now that I never really loved you.

28、行为主义者(The Behaviorist):

I just can’t keep going through the motions anymore.

29、永恒论者(The Eternalist):

At least we’ll always have that weekend in Paris.

30、模态实在论者(The Modal Realist):

This will never work—we’re from different worlds.




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