

《砰!科学与性的离奇结合》作者玛丽·罗切通过钻研晦涩的科学研究,有些是几百年前的,得出十项鲜为人知,令人拍案叫绝的性高潮结论,从希奇古怪到滑稽搞笑都有。(该演讲仅面向成年人,请观众从慎)免费关注微信公众号 jiarenorg ,就能天天收到佳人精彩文章了,还有机会和主编小陌一对一私聊喔,咱们微信里见!

Mary Roach: 10 things you didn’t know about orgasm


Alright. I’m going to show you a couple of images from a very diverting paper in The Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine.I’m going to go way out on a limb and say that it is the most diverting paper ever published in The Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. The title is “Observations of In-Utero Masturbation.” (Laughter) Okay. Now on the left you can see the hand — that’s the big arrow — and the penis on the right. The hand hovering. And over here we have, in the words of radiologist Israel Meisner, “The hand grasping the penis in a fashion resembling masturbation movements.” Bear in mind this was an ultrasound, so it would have been moving images.


Orgasm is a reflex of the autonomic nervous system. Now this is the part of the nervous system that deals with the things that we don’t consciously control, like digestion, heart rate and sexual arousal. And the orgasm reflex can be triggered by a surprisingly broad range of input. Genital stimulation. Duh. But also Kinsey interviewed a woman who could be brought to orgasm by having someone stroke her eyebrow. People with spinal cord injuries, like paraplegias, quadriplegias, will often develop a very, very sensitive area right above the level of their injury, wherever that is. There is such a thing as a knee orgasm in the literature.

性高潮是自主神经系统的反射作用。自主神经系统 掌管我们无意识控制的活动。比如,食物消化,心率,性冲动等。这个神经系统激起相关器官的反射作用 靠的是花样繁多的输入 阴部刺激。咄。此外,金赛(20世纪美国著名的生物学家和人类性学科学研究者)采访过一位妇女,这名女子仅靠抚摸眉毛就可以到到高潮。脊椎受伤的人,比如,下肢瘫痪,四肢瘫痪的人 身体部分区域会变得异常敏感 瘫痪部位以上,任何一个区域都有可能。文献中还有记载过“膝盖高潮”(knee orgasm)

I think the most curious one that I came across was a case report of a woman who had an orgasm every time she brushed her teeth. (Laughter) This was something in the complex sensory-motor action of brushing her teeth was triggering orgasm. And she went to a neurologist who was fascinated. He checked to see if it was something in the toothpaste, but no — it happened with any brand. They stimulated her gums with a toothpick, to see if that was doing it. No. It was the whole, you know, motion. And the amazing thing to me is that now you would think this woman would like have excellent oral hygiene. (Laughter) Sadly she — this is what it said in the journal paper — “She believed that she was possessed by demons and switched to mouthwash for her oral care.” It’s so sad.

不过我所见过最为奇特的,是这样一位女子,她每次刷牙都会达到性高潮。(众笑)这还真是奇事一桩,光是刷牙的触觉,就足以引发高潮,她跑去看神经科医生,医生对此很感兴趣,他检查牙膏,看看是不是其中的特殊成分有作用,但是,不管什么牌子的牙膏都对该女子有效,医生们用牙签刺激她的牙龈,看看是否同样有效,一点儿也不管用,要知道,是刷牙整个动作给她快感。让我吃惊的是,我本以为她会又一口皓齿,(众笑)可惜的是,听听一期医学刊上的引言,“该女子自认被魔鬼附身,” “转用漱口水来保持口腔卫生。”真是令人惋惜 。


I interviewed, when I was working on the book, I interviewed a woman who can think herself to orgasm. She was part of a study at Rutgers University. You gotta love that. Rutgers. So I interviewed her in Oakland, in a sushi restaurant. And I said, “So, could you do it right here?” And she said, “Yeah, but you know I’d rather finish my meal if you don’t mind.” (Laughter) But afterwards she was kind enough to demonstrate on a bench outside. It was remarkable. It took about one minute. And I said to her, “Are you just doing this all the time?” (Laughter) She said, “No. Honestly when I get home I’m usually too tired.” (Laughter) She said that the last time she had done it was on the Disneyland tram.

为了写一本书,我采访过一位女子,她仅凭意念就可以达到高潮,她是罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)研究计划的一部分,研究人员一定会喜欢我这个采访的。我在奥克兰(加州第八大城市)一家寿司店和她会面,我问道“你能在这儿做吗?”她回答“当然可以,但你要不介意,我们吃完饭再说好吗?”(众笑)后来,她向我展示她的特异,不过是在餐厅外的长椅上,真的是难以置信。总共一分钟左右。事后我问她 “你是不是整天都这样?”(众笑)她答道“不,老实讲,我每次到家的时候就已经筋疲力竭了。”(众笑)她说距今天最近的一次,是在迪斯尼乐园的有轨电车上


The headquarters for orgasm, along the spinal nerve, is something called the sacral nerve root, which is back here. And if you trigger, if you stimulate with an electrode, the precise spot, you will trigger an orgasm. And it is a fact that you can trigger spinal reflexes in dead people — a certain kind of dead person, a beating-heart cadaver. Now this is somebody who is brain-dead, legally dead, definitely checked out, but is being kept alive on a respirator, so that their organs will be oxygenated for transplantation. Now in one of these brain-dead people, if you trigger the right spot, you will see something every now and then. There is a reflex called the Lazarus reflex. And this is — I’ll demonstrate as best I can, not being dead. It’s like this. You trigger the spot. The dead guy, or gal, goes … like that. Very unsettling for people working in pathology labs.

除了脊神经,高潮的“总部”位于骶神经。就是这儿,要是你用电极刺激这儿,就是这儿,你就能引发一场高潮,同理,死人也会有脊髓反射,只要你用电极刺激。有一种死人,尚有呼吸的死人,脑死亡的人,在法律规定义下就是正式死亡。但靠呼吸机维持基体运转,各个器官也供氧充足,以待器官采摘移植给他人,要是你刺激他们身体相应的区域,在这些尸体身上,你常常会看到,一种叫拉萨路反射(Lazarus reflex)的现象。我尽量向大家展示,尽量用我的活体展示,就这样,刺激这儿 尸体,或男或女,就会……这样 不过,多病例实验室的人来说,有点惊悚

(Laughter) (众笑)

Now if you can trigger the Lazarus reflex in a dead person, why not the orgasm reflex? I asked this question to a brain death expert, Stephanie Mann, who was foolish enough to return my emails. (Laughter) I said, “So, could you conceivably trigger an orgasm in a dead person?” She said, “Yes, if the sacral nerve is being oxygenated, you conceivably could.” Obviously it wouldn’t be as much fun for the person. But it would be an orgasm — (Laughter) nonetheless. I actually suggested to — there is a researcher at the University of Alabama who does orgasm research. I said to her, “You should do an experiment. You know? You can get cadavers if you work at a university.” I said, “You should actually do this.” She said, “You get the human subjects review board approval for this one.” (Laughter)

要是能在死人身上激起拉萨路反射(Lazarus reflex),那有没有可能在死人身上唤起高潮呢?我问了一个研究脑死亡的专家,斯蒂芬妮·曼,她也大出意料傻傻的的回了我的邮件(众笑)我问 “你能令人信服的,在死人身上激起高潮吗?”她回到到“能,只要骶神经供氧充足,你可以令人信服的做到。”但显然对于被试着没有任何乐趣可言。“但高潮终归是高潮–”(众笑)然而,我推荐给一位研究者,一位阿拉巴马大学的研究高潮的学者,我对她说,”你该做做这个实验,要知道,在大学工作,弄到尸体轻而易举 我说,“你该做这项实验”她道“你该去弄人体试验复查委员会的批准。”


According to 1930s marriage manual author, Theodoor van de Velde, a slight seminal odor can be detected on the breath of a woman within about an hour after sexual intercourse.

Theodoor van de Velde was something of a semen connoisseur.(Laughter) This is a guy writing a book, “Ideal Marriage,” you know. Very heavy hetero guy. But he wrote in this book, “Ideal Marriage” — he said that he could differentiate between the semen of a young man, which he said had a fresh, exhilarating smell, and the semen of mature men, whose semen smelled quote, “Remarkably like that of the flowers of the Spanish chestnut. Sometimes quite freshly floral, and then again sometimes extremely pungent.” (Laughter)

根据上世纪三十年代婚姻指南手册作者,西奥多·范·德·威尔德,交合后一小时内,女子口中会有一点精液的味道,西奥多 范·德·威尔德倒是个精液鉴赏家,(众笑)要知道该人写了一本名为《理想婚姻》的书,他可是异性恋的铁杆主张者,但在《理想婚姻中》他写道,他能辨别青年男子和壮年男子的精液,青年男子的精液有几种新鲜,令人愉悦的气息,而壮年男子呢,用他的话来说,“闻起来像极了西班牙栗子树的花香”时有鲜花的芬芳,时而又有过于浓郁。“


Okay. In 1999, in the state of Israel, a man began hiccupping. And this was one of those cases that went on and on. He tried everything his friends suggested. Nothing seemed to help. Days went by. At a certain point, the man, still hiccupping, had sex with his wife. And lo and behold, the hiccups went away. He told his doctor, who published a case report in a Canadian medical journal under the title, “Sexual Intercourse as a Potential Treatment for Intractable Hiccups.” I love this article because at a certain point they suggested that unattached hiccuppers could try masturbation. (Laughter) I love that because there is like a whole demographic: unattached hiccuppers. (Laughter) Married, single, unattached hiccupper.

好吧,1999年,以色列国一男子开始打嗝,不幸的是就像众多病例一样,嗝打个不停,他试遍了朋友们推荐的方法,但作用一点没起,日子一天一天过去。突然一天,这个男子当然还是不停的打嗝,和他的妻子做爱,这是奇迹发生了,打嗝停止了 他告诉医生,医生把病例分析发表在加拿大一个医学期刊上,题为《性交作为 顽固打嗝的潜在治疗法》,我很喜欢这篇文章,因为某种程度上建议,单身打嗝病人去自慰来解决问题,(众笑)我觉得这主意很妙,人口统计上的新一页,单身打嗝病人,(众笑)已婚打嗝病人,未婚打嗝病人,单身打嗝病人

In the 1900s, early 1900s gynecologists, a lot of gynecologists believed that when a woman has an orgasm the contractions serve to suck the semen up through the cervix and sort of deliver it really quickly to the egg, thereby upping the odds of conception. It was called the “upsuck” theory. (Laughter) If you go all the way back to Hippocrates, physicians believed that orgasm in women was not just helpful for conception, but necessary. Doctors back then were routinely telling men the importance of pleasuring their wives. Marriage-manual author and semen-sniffer Theodoor van de Velde — (Laughter) has a line in his book. I loved this guy. I got a lot of mileage out of Theodoor van de Velde. He had this line in his book that supposedly comes from the Habsburg Monarchy, where there was an empress Maria Theresa, who was having trouble conceiving. And apparently the royal court physician said to her, “I am of the opinion that the vuLVa of your most sacred majesty be titillated for some time prior to intercourse.” (Laughter) It’s apparently, I don’t know, on the record somewhere.


Masters and Johnson: now we’re moving forward to the 1950s. Masters and Johnson were upsuck skeptics, which is also really fun to say. They didn’t buy it. And they decided, being Masters and Johnson, that they would get to the bottom of it. They brought women into the lab — I think it was five women — and outfitted them with cervical caps containing artificial semen. And in the artificial semen was a radio-opaque substance, such that it would show up on an X-ray. This is the 1950s. Anyway these women sat in front of an X-ray device. And they masturbated. And Masters and Johnson looked to see if the semen was being sucked up. Did not find any evidence of upsuck. You may be wondering, “How do you make artificial semen?” (Laughter) I have an answer for you. I have two answers. You can use flour and water, or cornstarch and water. I actually found three separate recipes in the literature. (Laughter) My favorite being the one that says — you know, they have the ingredients listed, and then in a recipe it will say, for example, “Yield: two dozen cupcakes.” This one said, “Yield: one ejaculate.” This one involves men.


(Laughter) (众笑)

There’s another way that orgasm might boost fertility. Sperm that sit around in the body for a week or more start to develop abnormalities that make them less effective at head-banging their way into the egg. British sexologist Roy Levin has speculated that this is perhaps why men evolved to be such enthusiastic and frequent masturbators. He said, “If I keep tossing myself off I get fresh sperm being made.” Which I thought was an interesting idea, theory. So now you have an evolutionary excuse.

这儿还有一个高潮有助生育的说法,男性在其中也有分量,在女性体内存活了一周甚至更久的精子,会产生异变,这样精子会比较难一头冲进卵子。英国性学家罗伊列文,推测这可能是为何男子,会进化成喜欢高频率自慰。他说到“要是我一直自慰 新鲜精子就会源源产生。”这个主意,不,理论,其实挺有趣的现在诸位,你们有了一个进化理论支撑的借口啦


Okay. (Laughter) Alrighty. There is considerable evidence for upsuck in the animal kingdom — pigs, for instance. In Denmark, the Danish National Committee for Pig Production found out that if you sexually stimulate a sow while you artificially inseminate her, you will see a six-percent increase in the farrowing rate, which is the number of piglets produced. So they came up with this plan, this five-point stimulation plan for the sows. And they had the farmers — there is posters they put in the barn, and they have a DVD. And I got a copy of this DVD. (Laughter) This is my unveiling, because I am going to show you a clip.



So uh, okay. Now here we go in to the — la la la, off to work. It all looks very innocent. He’s going to be doing things with his hands that the boar would use his snout, lacking hands. Okay. (Laughter) This is it. The boar has a very odd courtship repertoire. (Laughter) This is to mimic the weight of the boar. (Laughter) You should know, the clitoris of the pig, inside the vagina. So this may be sort of titillating for her. Here we go. (Laughter) And the happy result. (Applause) I love this video. There is a point in this video, towards the beginning where they zoom in for a close up of his hand with his wedding ring, as if to say, “It’s okay, it’s just his job. He really does like women.”

好的,开始了,啦啦啦,去工作,看起来还有天真烂漫,接下来他会用双手,不过公猪没手,只能用鼻子,好吧,(众笑) 就这样,公猪的求偶节目有点奇怪,(众笑)这是模仿公猪的重量,(众笑)要知道,母猪的阴蒂在阴道内 所以,这对母猪来说还是有快感的,就这样。(众笑)结果皆大欢喜。(鼓掌)我很喜欢这视频,视频开头还颇具教育意义,就在农民手部特写那段,镜头给他手上的结婚戒指一个大大的特写,好像想告诉观众“好吧,这是他的工作。他喜欢的还是人类女性”

(Laughter) (众笑)

Okay. Now I said — when I was in Denmark, my host was named Anne Marie. And I said, “So why don’t you just stimulate the clitoris of the pig? Why don’t you have the farmers do that? That’s not one of your five steps.” She said — I have to read you what she said, because I love it. She said, “It was a big hurdle just to get farmers to touch underneath the vulva. So we thought, let’s not mention the clitoris right now.” (Laughter) Shy but ambitious pig farmers, however, can purchase a — this is true — a sow vibrator, that hangs on the sperm feeder tube to vibrate. Because, as I mentioned, the clitoris is inside the vagina. So possibly, you know, a little more arousing than it looks. And I also said to her, “Now these sows. I mean, you may have noticed there, The sow doesn’t look to be in the throes of ecstasy.” And she said, you can’t make that conclusion, because animals don’t register pain or pleasure on their faces in the same way that we do. They tend to — pigs, for example, are more like dogs. They use the upper half of the face; the ears are very expressive. So you’re not really sure what’s going on with the pig.

好吧,我住在丹麦时,招待我的女主人名叫安·玛丽,我问她“为什么我直接刺激母猪的阴蒂?为什么我让农民这样做那?这不是5步中的一步吗?”她答道,你一定要听听原话,我真是爱死这个了。她说“光是让农民触摸母猪的有阴部就够困难的了, 就更别提阴蒂啦。”(众笑)但是有点害羞但有雄心壮志的农民呢,可以买这个,这可是真的,母猪振荡器,这东西连接着精子输送管振动,原因呢,正如我所说的,母猪的阴蒂在阴道内,所以,这东西带来的快感还是比表面上看起来的多得多的,并且,我问了女主人,“但是这些母猪,我的意思是,也许你也注意到了,这些母猪看起来不是很乐在其中啊。”她说“这么说就没道理啦,因为,你不能用人的标准去衡量猪,人会把痛苦或快感写在脸上,但猪不是这样的。猪呢,打个比方,更像狗,用脸的上半部分传达信息,动耳朵就是很好的表现,所以,你也不能准确的把握猪的感受”

Primates, on the other hand, we use our mouths more. This is the ejaculation face of the stump-tailed macaque. (Laughter) And, interestingly, this has been observed in female macaques, but only when mounting another female.



Masters and Johnson, in the 1950s, they decided, okay, we’re going to figure out the entire human sexual response cycle, from arousal, all the way through orgasm, in men and women — everything that happens in the human body. Okay, with women, a lot of this is happening inside. This did not stop Masters and Johnson. They developed an artificial coition machine. This is basically a penis camera on a motor. There is a phallus, clear acrylic phallus, with a camera and a light source, attached to a motor that is kind of going like this. And the woman would have sex with it. That is what they would do. Pretty amazing. Sadly, this device has been dismantled. This just kills me, not because I wanted to use it — I wanted to see it.


(Laughter) (众笑)

One fine day Alfred Kinsey decided to calculate the average distance traveled by ejaculated semen. This was not idle curiosity. Doctor Kinsey had heard — and there was a theory kind of going around at the time, this being the 1940s — that the force with which semen is thrown against the cervix was a factor in fertility. Kinsey thought it was bunk, so he got to work. He got together in his lab 300 men, a measuring tape, and a movie camera. (Laughter) And in fact he found that in three quarters of the men the stuff just kind of slopped out. It wasn’t spurted or thrown or ejected under great force. However, the record holder landed just shy of the eight-foot mark, which is impressive. (Laughter) (Applause) Yes. Exactly. (Laughter) Sadly, he’s anonymous.

一个阳光明媚的一天,阿尔佛雷德·金赛(前面提及的美国性学家)决定,计算精子射出的平均距离,这可并非单为满足奇思怪想,金赛博士听说过,这样一个理论,那时是40年代,精子射入宫颈的力度是确保生育的一大因素,金赛觉得这理论是空谈,所以他要用实践检验,他在实验室聚集了300名男子,测量卷尺和摄像机,(众笑)事实上他发现,其中四分之三的男子的精液,只是溢出,而非很有力的喷出射出,但是,有一个“冠军”的“射程”竟达8英尺(约2.43米),挺惊人的。(众笑) (鼓掌)是啊,没错,(众笑)可惜的是,这些被试着是匿名的,他的名字没有被提及

His name is not mentioned. In his write-up, in his write-up of this experiment in his book, Kinsey wrote, “Two sheets were laid down to protect the oriental carpets.” (Laughter) Which is my second favorite line in the entire oeuvre of Alfred Kinsey. My favorite being, “Cheese crumbs spread before a pair of copulating rats will distract the female, but not the male.”

在他的文章中,金赛没提他的名字,金赛,写道“两张床单被铺在地上以防沾污地毯。” (众笑)这是金赛所有文献中,我第二最喜欢的一句话,我最喜欢的呢,是“把芝士摆在交媾的老鼠前,收吸引的是雌鼠而非雄鼠。”



Thank you very much.


(Applause) Thanks!





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